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Canvas, oil, 110×100 cm, 2017

We have roots. It is about father and the role of the father. Hope, faith, love, protection, peace, security. I saw this Linden-tree and I was touched. I painted it from my memory. Linden also like mother, she gives tea and care. Reminds family.

In collection Pie Zelta Liepas.

Gleznas 092018 - 01s

„Peace”, “Shalom”

Canvas, oil, 65×92 cm, 2018

In private collection

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Audekls, eļļa, 90×112 cm, 2021
Putnu lidojums ir kaut kas mistisks. Ziema nāk un pavasaris nāk. Tie nomaina viens otru. Šķiršanās un satikšanās. Dzīve.
Jo redzi, ziema ir pagājusi, lietus ir mitējies, un lietus posms ir galīgi izbeidzies!
Zemes virsu pārklāj puķes, klāt ir dziesmu laiks – pavasaris, un ūbeles balss jau dzirdama mūsu zemē.
Augstā Dziesma 2. 11-12
Canvas, oil, 90×112 cm, 2021
Bird flight is something mystical. Winter is coming and spring is coming. They replace each other. Divorce and reunions. Life.
See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
Song of Songs 2. 11-12



Canvas, oil, 65×100 cm, 2021

This is the Norwegian sea and a wooden block on the shore looks like a boat.

In private collection.


The big wave

Canvas, oil, 65×100 cm, 2021

Beautiful sea.

In private collection.


” Water lilies

Canvas, oil, 50×65 cm, 2021

I paint this in nature, on a sunny peaceful day. Enjoy!

diptych “Two looks “


Canvas, oil, 90×120 cm, 2019

In private collection.

Canvas, oil, 90×120 cm, 2019

The clouds wrap us like a blanket so we are warm and soft at night.

Every person is valuable. His life is precious. Whether life has been beautiful or not, it is valuable. It’s expensive. It is not in vain or damaged. It is not lost or wasted. It’s expensive! You’re precious! Whether you see stars or dark clouds, you and your life are the greatest treasure in the world!

In private collection.

“Blood flowers”
oil on canvas, 100×110 cm, 2022
Dedicated to Russia

It is about the fact that Russia has shed a lot of blood, its own and that of many other nations. At the same time, she is a tree among other trees in God’s garden, alive and could be beautiful. Russia is my native land and my mothers land.

“Кровавые цветы”, 100×110 cm, 2022. Посвящаю эту картину России и моей боли о ней. Это о том, что Россия пролила много крови, своей и многих народов. И в тоже время она дерево среди других деревьев в саду Бога, живая и может быть прекрасной. Россия моя родина и земля моей мамы.

Плач о России


Горюшка моя

За что Ты так




Ведь и для Тебя

Любовь Моя

Не брошенная Я

Правда Моя

Кровью Кровушкой


Болью Больюшкой



За что Ты мучаешь


И деточек родненьких

Горе горюшко


Я ведь всё отдал своё

За Тебя моё дитя

Всё отдал Тебе

Успокой сердце своё

Во Мне

Я пролил уже кровь

За любовь

Выйди из темницы своей

Земля Моя землюшка

На свет Мой

Ярче яркого

Я хочу Тебе

Песню спеть



Душу Твою

Рассказать Тебе

Правду Истинную

Что вечна Любовь Моя

Познай Меня


Не знающая покоя

Выйди ко Мне


Зову Тебя

In private collection.

“The road to Dundaga.”

21×47 cm, oil on canvas, 2020

This road is very important. My dad lived in Kolka and Dundaga for one part of his life. He studied in Dundaga boarding school from 8th to 11th class.

“A pond next to Mazirbe church”

33×46 cm, oil on canvas, 2020

“Oak in Kurzeme”

30×33 cm, oil on canvas, 2016

In private collection.

“Forget Me Not”

60×70 cm, oil on canvas, 2022

Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother’s children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.

Song of Solomon 1-6

In private collection.

“Gauja. November.”

70×100 cm, oil on canvas, 2022